Whats a ptc site? Bux site? Rev share site ? TE site?
Thats a good question. all three sites are different in how they operate , what you can earn and risks involved.
lets start with the long time PTC site. Most PTC site are whats called a paid to click , hence the nick name PTC.
AT the average PTC site you get paid for viewing ads and earn from referrals. They usually have reasonable rates for advertising your affiliate link and or website.
traditionally, PTC sites pay lower amounts of money for viewing ads , and memberships and having referrals is a way to actually make money and get some good advertising in. most PTC sites also have built in traffic exchanges with active members .
PRO--easy to use, cheap ads,multiple options for advertising. many join these to advertise and build a downe under them for extra earnings .
CON--pay per view on ads is low,
TE SITE a TE, is referred to as such because the T stands for traffic as in website visitors and the E stands for Exchange, as in exchange of views for websites,
How a traditional TE site operate is simple, you get CREDITs for views to your affiliate link or your website for every view of someone elses website. in other words, by viewing you earn credits for your website or link to be viewed. this can be helpful as if you dont mind viewing others ads, you will in turn get views to your ads.
Te sites can be good , however the advertising cost usually is much, much higher than a ptc and some people are whats known as surfahoolice, meaning they just surf and do not pay attention to the ads as they only want credits for there sites to be viewed.
PRO-- can surf for free and earn credits to use for your own advertising.
lately in the last few years the old style TE sites have finally put a ptc element in them,
CONS-- Usually higher membership and advertising cost. no earnings of money for viewing, very high cashout limits, usually 20.00 if you do not buy a membership and not attainable for most people, you wont make extra money as they Lead you to belive , unless you have referrals spending money every month and you paid for and upgrad and those are usually expensive with very few credits .
BUX SITE. a bux style site is a site were , im sure you have seen promis , 0.01 to 1.00 per adview? some even as high as 1,000 a view ,which obviously is just a scam. Now not all bux sites are bad, however a bux site normally promises to pay you more than you pay for a membership. now this is obviously not able to sustain itself, however people always think that when they join it will work. Bux sites have middle of the road pricing usually for ads, however the owners almost never have an intention to stay in business as they know that the business model is not sustainable. Bux site fail by hundreds yearly, and here is why. say the membership offered to you is 40 a month and they promise you 55.00 a month in ads to click on? do you really think it can last? Now there are a few out there that have , only as they require lots of money from members, usually 800.00 to 1,000 or more for a membership so the members are stuck, however as soon as money starts to dry up , panic will spread and they are done.
PROS----NONE--avoid them,you may make money if your the first few in , but they are investment styled sites.
CONS--not able to sustain itself.
aghhh the promise of making money on your investments, under the guise of advertising lol. IF you come a cross the sites that say, "for every 1.00 you earn 1.50 back in ads -think about this, if you got 10,000 people to give you a dollar, then you had to pay them back a 1.50 costing you 15,000 -can you stay in business? nooooooooooooooo some sell ad packs that put you into a level of baps, stars or what ever, these climb the ladder style also end up having resets( zero out everyone's account) at some point as they have no other means of adverting -------reality is unless people return at lest 80 % of their earnings and continually buy ad packs -the site will start to fail and stop paying. on top of that a lot of misinformed people from all over the earth have no idea how a site works and they panic, or quickly acuss a site of being a scam , that's a death blow as even if the site is honest and good, rumors will kill, a lot of ignorant people with no understanding of how things work, can be the cause for you to lose also-----all in all its something to consider when joining, be sure at least they sell other advertising also and always read the terms .
can a rev share site work? absolutely they can work , if it has other advertising it sells and its more realistic on the return. for instance if its returning 1.10 on a 1.00 ad pack that's far more workable especially if they sell ptc ads,email ads banner ads ect -they must have other advertising, then the other income is able to help it along -however, if its just a bap or point level group-probably wont work long .and the site will do a reset or swap or just disappear.
so due your due diligence as straight up rev share with nothing else is a disaster waiting to happen.
PRO-- if you're the first in and can dump a few hundred and hope you get out, then you made a return, possibility of earning very well while advertising .
CONS--you must be prepared to lose every single penny you put into the site. you have all heard of debt swaps, resets, re starts, and the latest excuses of "ohhh paypal took/ froze our money"-lots of excuses and you ever notice, they never post anything as proof , just another way to say--i cant pay you-so be very carefull, and also understand it takes time to make a return on those adpacks also
this is a brief description of these sites and what they are about. i am not guaranteeing you will make or lose money at any of these sites, just information i wanted to share after a decade online-good luck.
My recommendation for good adverting below .
PRO-- can surf for free and earn credits to use for your own advertising.
lately in the last few years the old style TE sites have finally put a ptc element in them,
CONS-- Usually higher membership and advertising cost. no earnings of money for viewing, very high cashout limits, usually 20.00 if you do not buy a membership and not attainable for most people, you wont make extra money as they Lead you to belive , unless you have referrals spending money every month and you paid for and upgrad and those are usually expensive with very few credits .
BUX SITE. a bux style site is a site were , im sure you have seen promis , 0.01 to 1.00 per adview? some even as high as 1,000 a view ,which obviously is just a scam. Now not all bux sites are bad, however a bux site normally promises to pay you more than you pay for a membership. now this is obviously not able to sustain itself, however people always think that when they join it will work. Bux sites have middle of the road pricing usually for ads, however the owners almost never have an intention to stay in business as they know that the business model is not sustainable. Bux site fail by hundreds yearly, and here is why. say the membership offered to you is 40 a month and they promise you 55.00 a month in ads to click on? do you really think it can last? Now there are a few out there that have , only as they require lots of money from members, usually 800.00 to 1,000 or more for a membership so the members are stuck, however as soon as money starts to dry up , panic will spread and they are done.
PROS----NONE--avoid them,you may make money if your the first few in , but they are investment styled sites.
CONS--not able to sustain itself.
aghhh the promise of making money on your investments, under the guise of advertising lol. IF you come a cross the sites that say, "for every 1.00 you earn 1.50 back in ads -think about this, if you got 10,000 people to give you a dollar, then you had to pay them back a 1.50 costing you 15,000 -can you stay in business? nooooooooooooooo some sell ad packs that put you into a level of baps, stars or what ever, these climb the ladder style also end up having resets( zero out everyone's account) at some point as they have no other means of adverting -------reality is unless people return at lest 80 % of their earnings and continually buy ad packs -the site will start to fail and stop paying. on top of that a lot of misinformed people from all over the earth have no idea how a site works and they panic, or quickly acuss a site of being a scam , that's a death blow as even if the site is honest and good, rumors will kill, a lot of ignorant people with no understanding of how things work, can be the cause for you to lose also-----all in all its something to consider when joining, be sure at least they sell other advertising also and always read the terms .
can a rev share site work? absolutely they can work , if it has other advertising it sells and its more realistic on the return. for instance if its returning 1.10 on a 1.00 ad pack that's far more workable especially if they sell ptc ads,email ads banner ads ect -they must have other advertising, then the other income is able to help it along -however, if its just a bap or point level group-probably wont work long .and the site will do a reset or swap or just disappear.
so due your due diligence as straight up rev share with nothing else is a disaster waiting to happen.
PRO-- if you're the first in and can dump a few hundred and hope you get out, then you made a return, possibility of earning very well while advertising .
CONS--you must be prepared to lose every single penny you put into the site. you have all heard of debt swaps, resets, re starts, and the latest excuses of "ohhh paypal took/ froze our money"-lots of excuses and you ever notice, they never post anything as proof , just another way to say--i cant pay you-so be very carefull, and also understand it takes time to make a return on those adpacks also
this is a brief description of these sites and what they are about. i am not guaranteeing you will make or lose money at any of these sites, just information i wanted to share after a decade online-good luck.
My recommendation for good adverting below .

Earnings are possible from crowd funding, due your research below is a site been through lots of ups and downs, but still paying years later with -NOTE here you need to read their news daily on their forum!